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Promoslice Event - First 5 days of Each Month
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Promoslice Event - Last 5 days of Each Month
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Promoslice Event - 14th - 15th - 16th
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Promoslice Event - not a member yet join us here
Each week a total of at least $50 in cash prizes are awarded to the top 50 Legacy Gold Members. The week runs Sunday through Saturday at midnight US Central Time Zone.
When you surf at LegacyHits and the other Legacy Gold Partner TEs you will see the Legacy Gold claim page approximately every 59 pages. Simply enter your LegacyHits username to claim Legacy Gold points. You will receive at least 1 point each time you make a claim. You must collect a minimum of 50 points each week and at least one point from each Legacy Gold Partner TE before you can qualify for entry into the Legacy Gold Prize Pool.
Collect YOUR Legacy Gold Today
People are earning weekly here just for surfing at their favorite Traffic Exchange and collecting Embers - check it out now
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